Magadi Block Kalimba M17 Tines C Major
The striking grain and fine workmanship of this kalimba is topped by its precise C major tuning and its clear, warm sound that resonates full and long. With this 17-tone kalimba, you can not only play a variety of songs, but also let your intuition guide you and improvise extensively. Almost any combination of notes sounds harmonious. If you press this 17-tone kalimba on a larger resonating body, such as a table or a cajon, you can easily amplify the Sound.
- Origin: China
- Material: Cherry wood
- Tuning: C Major Diatonic
- Type: Block Kalimba
- Tines: 17 Tines
- Tonal Layout: D6-B5-G5-E5-C5-A4-F4-D4-C4-E4-G4-B4-D5-F5-A5-C6-E6
- Comes with: Fingering Chart, Tuning Hammer
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